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支持印度COVID-19 救援工作
- 2021/06/16
更正捐款單位名稱:「世界真佛宗華光功德會」和「台灣華光功德會」共同努力支持印度的 COVID-19 救援工作。感謝再感謝!CORRECTION: Both Lotus Light Charity WorldWide and Lotus Light Charity Taiwan contributed to pandemic relief efforts for India. We are so grateful for this joint effort!
[Original Post]
感謝彩虹雷藏寺,台灣華光功德會,西雅圖雷藏寺,支持印度的 COVID-19 救援工作。 大家一起使這項工作成真!Huge thanks to the True Buddha School community for rising up in support of COVID-19 relief efforts in India. You all make this work possible!